Fluid property sensors lack accuracy, provide partial data, measure only single fluid property, leading to high operation cost and ecological harm                                                                                                                                                                     

Fluid measurements and management are poorly performed, require dedicated personnel and lack real time results 

The problem - Fluid sensor function

Fluid measurements and management are poorly performed, require dedicated personnel and lack real time results 

Measure single parameter

Require  calibration

Lack accuracy due to fluid variabilities

Do not provide real time reading

No real time notification


Viscosity sensors are cost prohibitive


Operation disruption at high cost is unavoidable


High maintenance limited life expectancy


Why current fluid sensors fail

Lack of Accuracy and Precision

Fluids are complex by nature

vary in composition


Diverse environmental conditions create Instrumentation failure and  errors


Calibration drift and uncertainties in measurement techniques

Fluid Variability                

Variability in fluid properties, viscosity, density, and composition


Impacted by temperature, pressure, impurities, chemical reactions


Corrosive and toxic fluids


Provide data from a single point in fluid depth

Calibration and Maintenance

Essential to ensure accuracy and reliability.


Disrupts operation and increases operating cost due to downtime and product quality

Data Interpretation and Integration

Collecting vast amounts of data from various sensors  is overwhelming


No connectivity


Integrating and interpreting  data accurately requires data analytics tools and expertise

The problem - Fluid sensor Manufacturing

Limited Solution to industries

Partial Solution                

A Fluid sensor is designed for specific industry and designated fluid


Each fluid property requieres a specific sensor



Cost and complexity        

Viscosity and acidity sensor are complex and high cost


Customizing sensors for complex function is costly




Due to high manufacturing costs specialized industry have no affordable alternative


Advanced sensors are out of reach to mid market companies

Data and analysis

OEM's do not incorporate advanced computing  due to lack of resources

No comprehensive industry solution in current product offering